GO Virginia Region 3 Policies
Read more about GO Virginia Region 3 policies below.
It is the policy of the Region 3 Council that the Chairman of the Council, in consultation with the Vice-Chairman and the Fiscal Agent, will have the authority to make categorical line-item budget adjustments within the approved Region 3 budget Capacity-Building budget, subject to the policy guidelines established by the GO Virginia State Board. No budget adjustments will result in a change in the total Capacity-Building Budget.
Should the budget adjustment require approval by the Virginia Department of Housing & Community Development staff, the Chairman, in consultation with the Vice-Chairman and Fiscal Agent, is authorized to make that request.
Budget adjustments necessitating transfer among funding categories of the Region 3 budget (Capacity-Building, Per Capita) require the approval of the Regional Council, prior to submission to the State.
The Region 3 Council understands that investments in site development implementation are an eligible investment category for GO Virginia funding and are a category of funding that is one of three top priorities for the GO Virginia State Board. The Region 3 Council also recognizes the importance of prepared sites in the economic development recruitment process.
With minimal per capita funding, it is the policy of the Region 3 Council to accept, review, and act on applications for site-development implementation projects, to be considered only for funding from the Statewide Competitive pool of funds. No Region 3 Per Capita or Capacity-Building Funds will be used for site development implementation projects. This does not preclude the Council from using its per capita or capacity-building funding to support feasibility studies for site-related applications.
EFFECTIVE DATE: October 16, 2019
Under the authority of Article VIII Section 2 of the Bylaws of Region 3, and except to approve and amend the Bylaws, it is the policy of the Region 3 Council that the Executive Committee will have the authority to take actions on behalf of the Region 3 Council, subject to the policy guidelines established by the GO Virginia State Board, and providing notification to the Council at the next Council meeting.
EFFECTIVE DATE: October 16, 2019
Under the authority of Article VIII Section 2 of the Bylaws of Region 3, and except to approve and amend the Bylaws, it is the policy of the Region 3 Council that the Executive Committee will have the authority to take actions on behalf of the Region 3 Council, subject to the policy guidelines established by the GO Virginia State Board, and providing notification to the Council at the next Council meeting.
As is enabled by the funding guidelines for GO Virginia, it is the policy of the Region 3 Council that applicants for Per Capita and Competitive Funding will be required to negotiate an administrative fee not to exceed 8% above and beyond the project budget requirements, to be used by the Region Council Support Organization to offset costs associated with administration of post-approval project support.
EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/16/2019
To maximize resources and to consistently build on regional investments, it is the policy of the Region 3 Council that if a new project application is within the space of any previously approved Region 3 funded project that is ongoing, the new application should demonstrate how the new project aligns with, extends the reach of, or fills gaps in those previously awarded ongoing projects. The applicant should clearly validate there is no duplication of efforts. Applicants are encouraged to connect with the leaders of previously awarded projects and include input from them in the new application.
EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/28/2020
It is the policy of the Region 3 Council that all requests for Letters of Support for GO Virginia will be referred to the Project Review Committee. The Project Review Committee will apply its normal and customary review process and its recommendation on the Letter of Support will be presented to the Region 3 Council for consideration.
It is the policy of the Region 3 Council that all requests for Letters of Support from non-GO Virginia organizations will be referred to the Executive Committee for review and approval. The Executive Committee will be responsive to such requests subject to the time constraints and other commitments of its members and staff. Further, the Executive Committee will take into consideration whether the organization and the project underlying the Letter of Support aligns with the mission and purpose of GO Virginia.
EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/28/2020
The Executive Committee and the Project Review Committee collectively reviewed the survey results. After a thorough discussion, the following are recommended modifications to the current project review process:
- Project Review Committee (PRC) meetings will continue in a confidential setting as currently convened. [Note: the PRC meeting does not require public notification because only two (2) members of the Region 3 Council attend.]
- On a rotating project-by-project basis, two (2) Region 3 Council members identified by the PRC Chair and Program Director will be provided project application materials for review, and these Region 3 Council members may pose questions and provide input to the Program Director about the pending projects for communication to the PRC.
- The Program Director will determine whether all or any part of a project application should be excluded from public review under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (§ 2.2-3700), (e.g., proprietary information, financials, etc.) and treat such documents accordingly.
- All project applications materials will be considered as “public” documents and will be provided to the Region 3 Council in advance of the regular meeting unless such documents contain information which may be treated as confidential under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. The Program Director will use appropriate methods to transmit such confidential documents to the Region 3 Council.
- All projects coming forward from the PRC will be considered by the Region 3 Council in open meeting unless a closed meeting is necessary for any confidential element of the project.
- The Program Director may engage subject matter experts to review and comment on technical or complex applications prior to PRC consideration.
- Presentations by the project applicants/sponsors to the PRC and the Region 3 Council may occur on a case-by-case basis.
- The Program Director will exercise professional judgement and discretion to screen applicants/sponsors and projects for alignment with the Growth and Diversification Plan as well as the mission and purpose of the GO Virginia program.
- The Program Director will exercise professional judgement and discretion to determine whether a given application and/or applicant may begin or continue with the PRC.
- The Program Director will advise applicants/sponsors of the review process in its entirety prior to submitting a project application or other documentation.
EFFECTIVE DATE: September 18, 2024
Region 3 Council all-virtual public meetings are governed by subsection C of § 2.2-3708.3 of the Code of Virginia, as amended. This code outlines the conditions and procedures for the Region 3 Council to conduct all-virtual public meetings.
- The Region 3 Council, Executive Committee, or any Sub-Committee may conduct all-virtual public meetings under the following conditions:
- The public meeting notice must state whether the meeting will be in-person or all-virtual, along with information on how the public can access the meeting virtually.
- Public access to the all-virtual public meeting is provided via a virtual platform.
- The virtual platform used allows the public to hear all members of the Council participating in the meeting and, when audio-visual technology is available, to see them as well.
- When audio-visual technology is available, Council members will be considered absent from any portion of the meeting during which their visual communication is disconnected or fails or during which audio communication involuntarily fails.
- If the audio or video transmission of the meeting fails, the Council must take a recess until public access can be restored.
- The proposed agenda, agenda packet, and other meeting materials (unless exempt) furnished to the Council for the meeting must be made available to the public in electronic format simultaneously with when such materials are provided to the Council.
- The public is afforded the opportunity to comment through electronic means, including by way of written comments, at those public meetings when public comment is customarily received.
- If a closed session is held during an all-virtual public meeting, the transmission of the meeting to the public resumes before the public body votes to certify the closed meeting as required by subsection D of § 2.2-3712.
- No more than two Council members may be together in any one remote location unless that remote location is open to the public to access physically.
- The Council may not hold more than two all-virtual meetings per calendar year or 25% of the meetings held per calendar year rounded up to the next whole number, whichever is greater.
- The Council may not hold an all-virtual meeting immediately following another all-virtual public meeting.
- Meeting minutes must state that the meeting was held all-virtually and which virtual platform was utilized.
- The Council shall at least once annually adopt an All-Virtual Meeting Policy.
APPROVAL AND REVIEW: This Council policy was reviewed and approved on September 18, 2024.
SUPERSESSION: This policy replaces Policy 9 – Members Participating by Electronic Means approved on October 20, 2021.
EFFECTIVE DATE: September 18, 2024
The virtual participation in meetings by GO Virginia Region 3 Council members is governed by § 2.2-3708.3 of the Code of Virginia, as amended. This code outlines the conditions and procedures for Region 3 Council members to participate virtually in public meetings that are held in person.
- Region 3 Council members are permitted to participate virtually in any in-person meeting, as allowed by subsection B of § 2.2-3708.3 of the Code of Virginia. This policy is applied uniformly to ensure fairness and equal opportunity, regardless of the member's identity or the topics discussed or voted upon. The Region 3 Council, Executive Committee, or Sub-Committee may permit a member's virtual participation under the following conditions:
- Quorum Requirement: A quorum must be physically present at the primary meeting location advertised in the meeting's public notice.
- Approval/Disapproval of Participation: Council members physically present must vote to approve or disapprove the virtual participation. The meeting minutes must record the vote and reason to approve or disapprove virtual participation.
- Participation Location: The remote location from which the member participated shall be recorded in the minutes; however, the remote location need not be open to the public and may be identified in the minutes by a general description.
- Notification and Allowable Conditions: The Council member attending virtually must notify the chairperson before the meeting that they are unable to attend in person due to one of the following:
- A temporary or permanent disability or medical condition preventing physical attendance. To determine whether a quorum is physically assembled, an individual member of a public body who is a person with a disability as defined in § 51.5-40.1 and uses remote participation counts toward the quorum as if the individual was physically present.
- A medical condition or disability of a Council member's relative requires them to provide care during the meeting, preventing their physical attendance. To determine whether a quorum is physically assembled, a Council member who is a caregiver for a person with a disability as defined in § 51.5-40.1 and uses remote participation counts toward the quorum as if the individual was physically present.
- The member cannot attend the meeting due to a personal matter and identifies with specificity the nature of the personal matter. However, the member may not use remote participation due to personal matters for more than two meetings per calendar year, or 25 percent of the meetings held per calendar year rounded up to the next whole number, whichever is greater.
- The member's principal residence is more than 60 miles from the meeting location.
- Documentation of Allowable Condition: The justification for the member's virtual participation, which must be one of the four Allowable Conditions listed above, shall be recorded in the minutes.
- Access to Materials: Council members attending virtually must have access to all materials presented to those physically present.
- Access to Audio: All persons in attendance at the primary meeting location must hear the voice of the member participating virtually to allow adherence to parliamentary procedure.
Failure to comply with this policy may result in the Council disallowing future participation by electronic means.
APPROVAL AND REVIEW: This Council policy was reviewed and approved on September 18, 2024.
SUPERSESSION: This is a new policy.